Clarify pension insurance account
Altersvorsorge und Ruhestand
To check whether the data for your future pension is complete and correct, you can request clarification of your insurance account from the pension insurance fund.
Basic information
If you are or have been in the statutory pension insurance scheme, you have a pension insurance account. This is where all the data that is important for your pension is stored.
The German Pension Insurance stores the following in it
- Working hours
- periods of training
- periods of sickness
- periods of unemployment and
- child-raising periods
You can view the data stored there at any time. You can also have your insurance history checked at any time.
If you are 43 years old and your address is up to date, the pension insurance company will automatically send you an insurance history. This allows you to check the data stored. You will then receive an insurance history every 6 years.
If the data stored is incomplete or incorrect, you should have it corrected or supplemented in good time. To do this, you must submit an account clarification application. The amount of your future pension can only be calculated correctly if your insurance account is complete and correct. This will also speed up the processing of your future pension application. We can also give you better advice on old-age provision if your data is correct.
Timely account clarification is also important because health insurance funds, employment agencies and employers only keep documents for a certain period of time.
- You are or were insured with Deutsche Rentenversicherung.
What documents do I need?
- You will be shown which proof or documents are required when you submit your application electronically.
If you use the application form, you can see which documents are required.
These can be, for example
- Certificates
- Certificates from health insurance companies
- or proof of earnings