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Claiming child support in a faster, simpler court process

For a minor child of separated parents, reasonable maintenance may be required from the dependent party.

Maintenance for a minor child of separated - married or unmarried - parents can be claimed by the maintenance obligor at the family court in a regular (contentious) or also in a simplified maintenance procedure. The simplified procedure must be applied for using a form. It can lead to an enforcement order (maintenance determination order) more quickly and cost-effectively than contentious maintenance proceedings.

You can ask staff at the Youth Welfare Office or a lawyer for advice on whether this form of procedure is suitable in your case.


Prerequisites for the simplified procedure of alimony determination are:

  • The maintenance in question is
    • for a minor child or
    • for an adult child for the past period of minority.
  • No court has already ruled on the child support claim or no judicial child support proceedings have yet been initiated with the court.
  • There is not yet an enforceable maintenance title (e.g. a Jugendamt certificate).
  • The requested maintenance for the child is not higher than 1.2 times the minimum maintenance.

You are entitled to assert the claim for maintenance as a

  • custodial parent with whom the minor child lives, or
  • person or entity legally representing the child.

What documents do I need?

  • For the applicant(s):
    • The form "Antrag auf Festsetzung von Unterhalt nach § 249 FamFG (Vereinfachtes Verfahren)" - available at the youth welfare office or at any local court.
    • A statement of income and financial circumstances of the child and parents (if known).
    • Any proofs and supporting documents about the income situation.
  • For the Respondent(s):
    • Objection form - available from the district court.
    • Corresponding evidence and supporting documents.