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Change of the branch management of a pharmacy

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If you, as the owner of a pharmacy with branches, wish to hire a new branch manager, this change must be notified to the competent authority in writing in advance.

According to the Pharmacy Act, a pharmacist may operate up to 3 branch pharmacies in addition to his main pharmacy. He must appoint a responsible pharmacist as branch manager for the branch pharmacies. A change of branch manager must be notified at least 2 weeks in advance.

Please send the documents to:

The Senator for Health, Women and Consumer Protection
Department 23, Attn: Mr. Deppe

Faulenstraße 9/15
28195 Bremen


Pharmacy operating license

What documents do I need?

  • Written designation of the branch management

    Form Annex 3 Designation of the responsible pharmacist.

  • Copy of the proof of approval of the branch management
  • Copy of the branch manager's identity card
  • Copy of the employment contract of the branch management
  • Proof of activity as a pharmacist:in branch management.

    For example, in the form of a resume.