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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Blocking of information due to interests worthy of protection in accordance with § 51 Federal Reporting Act (BMG)

Blocking of information due to interests worthy of protection in accordance with § 51 Federal Reporting Act (BMG)


The application for registration of a block on information pursuant to Section 51 (1) BMG must be submitted to the registration office and reasons must be given. The application can be made in writing using the appropriate form (available for download under "Forms") at the Citizens' Registration Office (see contact address) or in person.
The facts listed must be substantiated.
The information block is limited to two years. It can be extended upon application or ex officio. The application can be made three months before the information block expires. For this purpose, it is necessary to attach current evidence justifying the interest worthy of protection.
The person concerned will be informed when the freeze is entered and before it is lifted.

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