Auszug aus der Liegenschaftskarte beantragen
- Online processing or order by e-mail, fax, online order or personal appearance by prior appointment
- Data delivery by e-mail, via FTP server (e-mail with download link), by post or by collection. Depending on data sensitivity, different security levels are built into the delivery.
- You will receive the corresponding notification of costs by post.
Legal bases
- Gesetz über die Landesvermessung und das Liegenschaftskataster (Vermessungs- und Katastergesetz)
- Kostenverordnung für das amtliche Vermessungswesen und die Gutachterausschüsse für Grundstückswerte nach dem Baugesetzbuch (VermWertKostV)
More information
- The real estate cadastre meets the requirements of legal transactions, administration and business as a basic information system.
- The real estate cadastre serves as an official register in the sense of the land register regulations.
- The real estate cadastre consists of the cadastral survey work (Risse), the cadastral maps (Liegenschaftskarten) and the cadastral book work (Liegenschaftsbuch) and is jointly maintained in the Official Real Estate Cadastre Information System (ALKIS).
- For more information, visit .