Asylum procedure, refusal and obligation to leave the country
Reisen und Auslandsaufenthalt
Migration und Integration
If your asylum application has been rejected by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), you will receive a written decision from the BAMF. In this decision, the BAMF also states that you are now obliged to leave the country.
Basic information
If the BAMF has rejected your asylum application, the BAMF will also state in the decision you receive by post that you are now obliged to leave the country.
If you have questions or objections to the BAMF's decision, you must contact the BAMF directly. The contact details for this can be found on the notice you have received from the BAMF, as well as the information on appeals, which explains how you can appeal against the decision if you do not agree with it (see under "i Where can I find out more?").
The Migration Office is also informed of the BAMF's decision. If you have not lodged an appeal or if the court has rejected your appeal with final effect and you have not yet left the country, the Migration Office must enforce your obligation to leave the country.