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Arcade permit


Prior to commencing operation of the gaming arcade, an application for a permit must be submitted to the Senator for Economics, Labor and Europe, Department of Commercial Affairs. The application can only be processed once it has been submitted in full to the authorities. In the process, all information on the arcade is checked to ensure that it is correct and that it qualifies for a permit under the law. In addition, the applicant's reliability under commercial law is checked. This check can take up to 12 weeks.

All applicants are advised to contact the responsible office in advance. It is also possible to arrange an appointment outside regular opening hours.

Legal bases

More information

The following list shows the providers that offer staff training and expert examinations in accordance with Section 3 of the Ordinance on the Implementation of the Bremen Gaming Halls Act.

Status: April 2024

Staff training in accordance with Section 4 (1) sentence 2 number 2 BremSpielhG:

  • Merlato GmbH

Annenheider Str. 257

27755 Delmenhorst

Phone: +49 4221 2890469


  • Caritasverband für das Erzbistum Berlin e.V.

Große Hamburger Str. 18

10115 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 66633 41


  • Society for Player Protection and Prevention mbH

Im Tiergarten 22b

55411 Bingen on the Rhine

Phone: +49 6721 185 97 0

  • Origo GmbH

Gunther-Plüschow-Strasse 15

50829 Cologne

Phone: +49 4668 86 0

Examination of expertise according to § 4b BremSpielhG:

  • HEINZE, LANGE, v. Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB

Am Tiergarten 2

30559 Hanover

Phone: +49 511 8074 083 0

Fax: +49 511 8074 083 3


  • Orgo GmbH

Gunther-Plüschow-Strasse 15

50829 Cologne

Phone: +49 4668 86 0