Approval of funding applications for the Ecology Station Bremen
Finanzierung und Förderung
Abfall und Umweltschutz
Are you responsible for the Ecological Station Bremen and would like to apply for funding for an environmental education measure?
Basic information
"The Ecology Station has been carrying out environmental education work in Bremen-Schönebeck for more than 40 years and intends to contribute to the understanding of the ecological prerequisites of a viable environment.
The outdoor area, located on the valley slope of the Schönebecker Aue, offers young and old visitors the opportunity to get to know a wealth of biotopes on 20 hectares, e.g. natural forest, wet meadows, orchard meadow, stream, ponds as well as an insect-friendly garden and thereby experience biological diversity and understand its importance." (Source: www.ö
To promote its work, the Ecological Station Bremen can apply for grants according to a cooperation agreement. These applications must be submitted annually. After completion of the measure, a final report on the use of the funds is submitted to the Senator for Children and Education. This is checked in terms of content and expertise and archived in the Financial Management Department.
Eligibility to apply must be present.