Applying for replacement of flight attendant certificates
Unternehmensstart und Gewerbezulassung
Ausweise und Dokumente
Arbeitgeber sein
You can apply for a replacement cabin crew attestation online via the federal portal or by e-mail or post.
If you wish to submit the application online:
- Call up the online application on the federal portal. This will guide you step by step through the required information and necessary documents.
- Upload the required documents as a file or make them available as a download link and submit the application online.
- If anything is unclear or information is missing, the LBA will contact you.
- The LBA will check whether the requirements have been met and will send you a prepayment invoice if necessary.
- You pay the prepayment invoice.
- The LBA will issue a replacement cabin crew attestation and send you the document by post.
If you wish to submit the application by e-mail or post:
- Go to the LBA website and download the application form for the replacement issue of a cabin crew attestation from there.
- Complete the application.
- Print out the application, sign it, scan it and send it to the LBA by e-mail together with the required documents. Alternatively, you can send the application by post.
- If anything is unclear or information is missing, the LBA will contact you.
- The LBA will check whether the requirements have been met and will send you a prepayment invoice if necessary.
- You pay the prepayment invoice.
- The LBA will issue a replacement cabin crew attestation and send you the document by post.
Legal bases
- Kostenverordnung der Luftfahrtverwaltung (LuftKostV)
- Verordnung (EU) Nummer 290/2012
- Verordnung (EU) Nummer 1178/2011
More information
There are no references or special features.
Legal remedy: Appeal. Further information on how to lodge an appeal can be found in the notification of your application.