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Applying for permanent special use of traffic areas

Permanent use of public road traffic areas requires a permit.
Anyone wishing to use the public highway, whether above or below ground, must obtain a permit.

Contact Person

Anyone wishing to use the public road must submit an application for permanent special use.

Typical examples of permanent special use are

  • Façade insulation,
  • playground equipment,
  • entrance steps and ramps,
  • canopies,
  • balconies,
  • benches,
  • enclosures,
  • bridges, etc.

If there is no permanent special use, the public order office is generally responsible - for example in the case of

  • temporary installation of (construction) / containers
  • Goods displays / baskets / tables that are cleared away in the evening
  • Display stands (so-called customer stoppers)


Existence of a special use:

  • if the common use is impaired in its normal use
  • if the road surface is used
  • if the use affects the airspace from the top edge of the road to 5.50 m above the top edge of the road

What documents do I need?

  • informal request

    it must contain a detailed description and justification of the proposed action (to be submitted in five copies)

  • Site plan (1:500)

    with projects marked and highlighted in colour (to be submitted in 5 copies)