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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Applying for housing benefit for the first time or for a new application

Applying for housing benefit for the first time or for a new application

Frequently asked Questions

  • Household member is the person entitled to housing allowance.

    Household members are also:

    • the spouse or partner who is not permanently separated
    • the person living in a community of responsibility and responsibility for others
    • siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews
    • parents-in-law, children-in-law, stepparents
    • parents, children, siblings of the life partner
    • Sister-in-law, brother-in-law and his children, niece/nephew of the spouse
    • Foster children regardless of their age and foster parents
  • Annual income within the meaning of the Housing Benefit Act is the sum of the positive income (gross less income-related expenses) in accordance with Section 2 (1) and (2) of the Income Tax Act plus the income in accordance with Section 14 (2) of the Housing Benefit Act less the deductions for taxes and social security contributions of each household member.

    For the calculation of housing benefit, a forecast decision is made, i.e. what income is to be expected. The last 12 months prior to the application can serve as the basis for this forecast decision.

    All taxable and tax-free income must always be carefully declared.


    • for employees: Wage/salary (certificate of earnings)
    • for pensioners: pensions of all kinds (pension notices, pension notification)
    • for income taxpayers (if proof cannot be provided by the certificate of earnings): all income, to be proven by
      Income tax prepayment notice
      Last income tax assessment notice
      Last income tax return
    • for recipients of maintenance payments: Proof of the maintenance payer, the type, amount and recipient of the benefits
    • for children: Proof of child benefit
    • for unemployed persons: notice of approval from the employment office regarding unemployment benefit or unemployment benefit II / citizen's allowance
    • for trainees or students: Proof of the type, amount and recipient of the training grant (e.g. BAföG, vocational training grant)
    • for recipients of social assistance or war victims' welfare: proof of the type, amount and recipient of the benefits
    • Proof of other benefits: (e.g. proof of interest income or other investment income, rental income, third-party benefits, including on a loan basis if applicable, benefits in kind, scholarships)
  • If you apply for housing allowance in another municipality or in another federal state, the responsible authority usually requires the submission of a negative certificate. This is then issued on request by the housing allowance office of the former place of residence. This is to check whether and until when housing benefit was paid.

    The issuing of the negative certificate is free of charge. A personal appearance to get the certificate is not required. The application is made informally. It is also possible to apply for the negative certificate by telephone. An authorized person is entitled to take out the negative certificate at the housing allowance office on behalf of the applicant. The power of attorney must be presented.

  • Changes to be reported immediately include:

    • Number of household members,
    • Decrease in rent or burden,
    • increase in income, and
    • Change in living quarters, including within the home.