Applying for funding for rainwater harvesting systems
Finanzierung und Förderung
If you plan to install a rainwater harvesting system, you can apply for funding from the Senator for Climate Protection, Environment, Mobility, Urban Development and Housing.
Basic information
The retention and use of rainwater has a positive influence on the preservation and improvement of water quality as well as on the saving of drinking water. Against this background, the Senator for Climate Protection, Environment, Mobility, Urban Development and Housing wants to encourage Bremen's citizens to take the initiative and promote the wider use of rainwater harvesting systems by providing grants.
Funding is provided for the new installation and retrofitting of rainwater utilization systems in residential buildings for the purposes of toilet flushing and at least one other use, such as garden irrigation, provided they meet the requirements of the Technical Annex to these principles.
Rainwater utilization systems are devices that collect rainwater runoff from roof surfaces in decentralized storage tanks and make it available for the aforementioned purposes.
Funding is provided for up to one third of the eligible costs of a system, up to a maximum of 2,000 euros. In the event of unforeseen additional costs during the construction phase, subsequent approval can be requested in writing. However, the total subsidy of 2,000 euros may not be exceeded. Own contributions are not taken into account in the funding.
Prerequisites for a subsidy are that
- the house for which the rainwater utilization system is to be installed is located in Bremen or Bremerhaven,
- the applicant is a house owner, a tenant with the consent of the owner, or an association,
- the use of the rainwater for toilet flushing and another purpose (garden irrigation) is intended,
- the connection of at least 50 square meters of covered area and a tank of at least 2 cubic meters capacity are guaranteed and
- the measure is voluntary and there is no legal obligation, such as a requirement in the building permit.