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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Applying for exemption from the obligation to carry identification documents

Applying for exemption from the obligation to carry identification documents

Information on exemption from the statutory ID requirement.

From now on, you do not need an appointment for this request at the BürgerServiceCenters Mitte, Nord and Stresemannstrasse. You can do this at the express counter. Please note the different opening hours of the express counters in the various BürgerServiceCenters.

In general, the duty of identification applies in Germany. Persons in need of care who are unable to participate in public life for reasons of illness or who are even cared for can be exempted from this rule.

For this purpose, an informal application must be submitted to the registration office. The application can be submitted in writing to the Bürgeramt, Referat Meldeangelegenheiten, Pfalzburger Str. 69a, 28207 Bremen, Germany, or delivered in person to a BürgerServiceCenter.

Nursing services and caregivers can also apply for this exemption for their clients.



  • who cannot participate in legal transactions (e.g. due to bedriddenness) or
  • for whom a guardian has been appointed or
  • who are incapable of acting or giving consent and are represented by a proxy with a publicly certified power of attorney, or
  • who are likely to be permanently accommodated in a hospital, nursing home or similar institution
  • who are unable to move alone in public because of a permanent disability,

may be exempted from the identification requirement.

The reasons for exemption must be documented in writing (e.g. medical certificate).

What documents do I need?

  • Supervisor's identity card or publicly certified power of attorney if applied for by a supervisor or an authorised representative

    if no guardian has been appointed, the signature of the person concerned on the application is sufficient and a trusted person can submit the application

  • previous identity card or passport of the person concerned
  • Certificate of the hospital, nursing home

    or a similar institution from which it is clear that the person concerned cannot move about in public on his/her own

  • if necessary, a certificate