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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Applying for an identity card - replacement in case of loss, theft, etc.

Applying for an identity card - replacement in case of loss, theft, etc.

Please note that we release short-term appointments for all BürgerServiceCenters between 7 and 9 a.m. every day. If you are unable to find a suitable appointment, please check this page again during this time slot.

If you no longer have your ID card because it cannot be found, has been lost or stolen, you must report this loss immediately (notification of loss).
You must apply for a new ID card.

Loss or misplacement must be reported to the Citizen Service Facilities of the Citizen Office. Theft should be reported to the police.
If the electronic ID has been activated, it must be blocked either at the Citizens' Service Center or by calling the blocking emergency number 116116.

When blocking, the personal data and the blocking password must be provided.

What documents do I need?

  • Proof of identity

    e.g. old or invalid identity card, valid (child) passport or birth certificate in the case of infants or young children who do not yet have a (child) passport or identity card.

  • 1 current biometric passport photo according to the photo sample table (not older than 6 months)
  • For children under 16 years of age:

    Special declaration of consent (explicitly related to the issuing of the identity card) of the person with custody, as well as their identity cards (also copies) and, if applicable, proof of custody.

  • Important note: the children must always be present in person!