Applying for a special division - accelerated division of parcels in areas with a highly accurate cadastre
- Written commissioning (also possible via internet, e-mail or fax) by the client.
- Examination by the Bremen State GeoInformation Office as to whether the requirements for separation are met.
- Separation (division without local surveying) of the parcel in the real estate register.
- Preparation of a record of the new boundary.
- Notification of all parties involved by sending a copy of the minutes.
- Sending notifications of changes in the real estate cadastre. Sending the extracts from the real estate cadastre required for property depreciation. Sending the notice of costs for the separation.
- At a later date (within three years), GeoInformation Bremen will mark out the new boundary points.
- Notification of the boundary date by GeoInformation Bremen.
- Marking of the new boundary points.
- Preparation of a record of the demarcation.
- Notification of all parties not present by sending copies of the minutes of the boundary appointment.
- Sending the notice of costs for the demarcation.
Legal bases
- Gesetz über die Landesvermessung und das Liegenschaftskataster (Vermessungs- und Katastergesetz)
- Fachliche Weisung Erhebung von Geobasisdaten durch Liegenschaftsvermessungen (FW LiegVerm) vom 3. Juni 2019 , zuletzt geändert durch Verfügung vom 25. Oktober 2020
- Kostenverordnung für das amtliche Vermessungswesen und die Gutachterausschüsse für Grundstückswerte nach dem Baugesetzbuch (VermWertKostV)
More information
Order form: Please check "Dissection measurement" and note the request for separation under "Other".
Specification of the affected parcel: Street and house number or cadastral designation, i.e. parcel and parcel number
Specification of the desired course of the new boundaries: Specification of geometric conditions, e.g. parallel distance, perpendicularity etc. to existing boundaries or buildings. Specification of target areas.
Note: Building regulations, e.g. distance areas, are not checked by GeoInformation!