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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Applying for a special division - accelerated division of parcels in areas with a highly accurate cadastre

Applying for a special division - accelerated division of parcels in areas with a highly accurate cadastre

What deadlines must be paid attention to?

1 month after notification of the results of the specialisation or after the new borders have been marked.

How long does it take to process

Approx. 3 weeks after receipt of order for the special
Approx. 7 weeks after completion of the process, usually no later than 7 weeks after receipt of the order

What are the costs?

The costs for each individual case can be requested from GeoInformation.

Note: Costs are charged depending on the size of the newly created parcels, the standard land value and the number of boundary points to be demarcated. The costs of a special survey plus subsequent marking are slightly higher than those of a dissection survey with direct marking.