Applying for a special division - accelerated division of parcels in areas with a highly accurate cadastre
You want to have your parcel divided and need the result as quickly as possible? Then you can check whether a special division is possible.
Competent Department
- Landesamt GeoInformation Bremen
- Öffentlich bestellter Vermessungsingenieur Sebastian Horst
- Öffentlich bestellter Vermessungsingenieur Ulrich Eckardt
- Öffentlich bestellter Vermessungsingenieur Henning Schaefer
- Öffentlich bestellter Vermessungsingenieur Jan Wilhelm Schaefer
- Vermessungs- und Katasteramt Bremerhaven
Contact Person
Basic information
First, GeoInformation Bremen checks whether the conditions for a segregation are met. If this is the case, the parcel is divided in the real estate cadastre without local surveying. A deed is drawn up showing the course of the boundary, and the parties involved are notified of this. The new boundary points will be marked on the spot at a later date. The boundary points are permanently marked by boundary stones, plastic marks, chisel crosses or similar. A record is also made of the subsequent local marking of the boundary points, which is referred to as "demarcation", and the parties involved are notified of this.
- The parcel concerned is located in the municipality of Bremen.
- Commissioning only by owners, purchasers, heritable building owners or notaries.
- Highly accurate and reliable coordinates are available in the real estate cadastre for all boundary points of the parcel.
Note: Highly accurate and reliable coordinates are produced as a result of real estate surveys since about 2004.
Note: Specialization is a special form of decomposition, it is subject to special conditions. There is no legal right to carry out a special division.