Applying for a preliminary decision on an installation requiring approval
- Unternehmensstart und Gewerbezulassung
- Anlagen, Waren und Stoffe
- You submit the signed documents to the authority.
- The competent authority will check your application.
- If necessary, the competent authority will request further information or documents from you.
- The competent authority publishes the application with the associated documents and makes it publicly available for one month.
- The competent authority invites the other authorities to be involved to comment on the approval procedure within one month.
- Objections will be discussed with you and those who have raised the objections at a public meeting.
- In a simplified approval procedure or if public participation is waived, there is no public display and no discussion meeting.
- The competent authority decides on your application.
- If necessary, the competent authority will add substantive and ancillary provisions to the decision.
- You will receive a written decision with reasons.
- Those who have raised objections will also receive the decision with reasons.