Applying for a pension due to death in the event of disappearance
Altersvorsorge und Ruhestand
What deadlines must be paid attention to?
Widow's and widower's pension:
If the deceased person
- already received their own pension, your widow's or widower's pension begins at the earliest in the month following the date of death.
- If the deceased did not yet receive a pension of their own, your widow's or widower's pension will begin on the date of death.
The application period for survivors' pensions is 12 calendar months from the date of death. This period also applies if a pension has already been discontinued and is applied for again at a later date. If the survivor's pension application is submitted later, the pension only starts from the month of application and cannot be paid retroactively.
Child-raising pension:
Your pension starts on the first of the calendar month at the beginning of which you meet the requirements if you submit the application within 3 calendar months. If the application is submitted later, you will receive the pension from the month of application.
Orphan's pension:
Retroactive payment of the orphan's pension: up to 12 calendar months before the month of application.
How long does it take to process
Please note that no news about the life of the missing person must have been received for one year before the missing person can be declared missing. This period must be waited for in any case.
Apart from this period, the processing times are as follows
Widow's and widower's pensions (usually depending on the type of pension):
- small widow's and widower's pensions: 4 months
- large widows' and widowers' pensions: 3 months
Child-raising pension:
- Usually 4 months
Orphan's pension (usually depending on the type of pension):
- Half-orphans' pensions: 3 months
- Full orphan's pensions: 5 to 6 months
What are the costs?
There are no costs for you.