Applying for a pension due to death in the event of disappearance
Altersvorsorge und Ruhestand
If spouses, divorced spouses or parents are missing, the pension insurance company can determine the presumed date of death. You can then receive a corresponding pension.
Basic information
Pensions due to death are:
- Widow's and widower's pensions
- orphans' pensions and
- child-raising pensions
The pension due to death in the event of disappearance is a special regulation for pensions due to death. The usual requirements for the type of pension applied for apply.
The special regulation applies when applying for a pension due to death if the following relatives are missing:
- wife or husband
- divorced wife or husband or
- parents
The pension insurance company is entitled to determine the presumed date of death for the pension benefit itself, based on the circumstances, if
- the circumstances make death probable and
- no news of the person's life has been received for one year.
This date of death shall remain decisive even if a different date of death is established or certified by a court.
The pension insurance company may require the beneficiaries to declare in lieu of an oath that they are not aware of any information about the missing person other than that reported.
Determination of disappearance and the regular requirements for the type of pension applied for
What documents do I need?
- Evidence of the disappearance
- Affidavit in lieu of an oath, if applicable
- Depending on the type of pension applied for, further proof may be required