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  • Applying for a grant under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) - Students

Applying for a grant under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) - Students

According to the BAföG, individual educational support is granted if students do not have the necessary funds for their living expenses and education elsewhere. This is intended to enable individuals - regardless of their family's financial situation - to pursue the education they have chosen according to their interests and abilities. The aim is to provide all students with comparable educational opportunities.

The aim of educational support under the Federal Act on Individual Support for Education and Training (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz - BAföG) is to give young people the opportunity to complete a university education that matches their abilities and interests, regardless of their social and economic situation.

Training assistance is provided for living expenses and training. The monthly requirement is flat-rate and depends on the accommodation (living with parents or living away from home). The student's income and assets, the parents' income and, if applicable, the income of the spouse/registered partner are taken into account.

Parent-independent funding is only granted under certain conditions.

Funding is provided for the duration of the standard period of study, from the fifth semester onwards only if the required level of performance is met (exceptions are possible).

BAföG is generally granted for 1 year ("approval period").

As a rule, funding is provided

half as a grant
half as an interest-free government loan.
Repayment of the loan portion begins 5 years after the end of the standard period of study.

In certain cases, however, the funding is provided in full as an interest-bearing bank loan under private law (e.g. graduation assistance after the end of the standard period of study).


Educational support is provided for studies at the following universities:

  • University of Bremen
  • Bremen University of Applied Sciences
  • Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences
  • Bremen University of the Arts
  • Jacobs University Bremen
  • Bremen University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration
  • APOLLON private distance learning university of applied sciences for the healthcare industry

Educational support is also granted for the completion of an internship that is required in connection with attending the above-mentioned educational institutions and whose content is regulated in the educational regulations.

Entitlement to training assistance also depends on personal requirements such as age, aptitude and nationality.

In addition to German nationals, foreign trainees can also receive funding under certain conditions.

Whether the personal requirements are met in an individual case and justify an entitlement to training assistance can only be bindingly determined by means of an application procedure.