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Apply for tax relief for alcopops


You must apply for tax relief in writing as part of your monthly tax filing:

  • Go to the Customs website and fill out the forms below.
    • Form 2780 "Monthly Tax Filing/Relief Filing for Alcopops."
    • Form 2781 "Attachment to Monthly Tax Filing/Relief Filing for Alcopops".
  • If tax relief is also claimed for the alcohol contained in the alcopops, you will also need the following forms:
    • Form 1272 "Monthly Tax Filing/Relief Filing for Alcohol Products"
    • Form 1278 "Attachment to Monthly Tax Declaration/Relief Declaration for Alcohol Products".
  • If you are adding goods to your tax warehouse that someone else had taxed, you can claim reimbursement using the "Tax Confirmation" form.
  • Fill out the respective form and, if necessary, the attachments completely and send them by mail to your main customs office.
  • The main customs office will check the relief.
  • You will receive a notice with the result of your application.

Please note that you need the approval of the responsible main customs office for transport against tax relief to other member states. You will receive this upon request in the form of a so-called Zusageschein.

The responsible main customs office is the one from whose district you operate your business or, if you do not operate a business, the one in whose district you are domiciled. If your business is operated from a location outside of Germany or if you do not have a residence in Germany, the main customs office in whose district you first appear for tax purposes is locally responsible.

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