Apply for rehabilitation aftercare from the pension insurance fund
Gesundheit und Vorsorge
Altersvorsorge und Ruhestand
The need for aftercare services is determined at the rehabilitation facility where you underwent medical rehabilitation.
- You can claim rehabilitation aftercare if
- the participation benefit has been completed,
- individual problem areas still need to be addressed in order to ensure the long-term success of your rehabilitation - for example, lack of exercise and obesity,
- at the end of medical rehabilitation, the patient is able to work at least 3 hours on the general labor market or
- there is a positive employment prognosis.
- The recommendation for rehabilitation aftercare is deemed to be a cost commitment for the aftercare provider
- a separate decision is not made by the responsible pension insurance provider.
Subsequent determination of need:
If your need for aftercare services was not determined at the rehabilitation facility, you can submit an application to your responsible pension insurance provider within 4 weeks of completing your medical rehabilitation.
Legal bases
More information
Legal remedy:
There are no legal remedies, as participation is voluntary.