Apply for recognition of a substitute school
- Unternehmensstart und Gewerbezulassung
After the application documents have been received by the Senator for Children and Education, they will be checked for completeness. If any documents are still missing, you will receive notification of this. Only after receipt of the complete documents is a holistic and final processing possible.
For the examination of the application for recognition, specialist departments of the Senator for Children and Education will be involved. For example, on the question of whether the school's internal curricula meet the requirements.
In addition, among other things, the requirements for the quality of preparation for the final examinations of secondary level I and II are examined in comparison to public schools.
Legal bases
- Gesetz über das Privatschulwesen und den Privatunterricht (Privatschulgesetz)
- Bremisches Schulgesetz (BremSchulG)
- Kostenverordnung der Bildungsverwaltung (BiKostV)
More information
For the examination of a possible recognition, the following documents are basically necessary for the general education sector:
- Evidence of the implementation of the timetables of the respective type of school and the respective course of education.
- Consent of the school to the collection of performance data on graduations and transitions by the Senator for Children and Education (e.g., from comparative studies, final examinations)
- Internal school curricula for the subjects German, mathematics, English, natural sciences, society and politics at secondary level I, and others on request if necessary
- Internal school curricula for the introductory and qualification phases of the Gymnasiale Oberstufe for all subjects.
- Presentation of written examinations of the introductory and qualification phase for the examination of written performance (with regard to the tasks, horizons of expectation, student work)
- Submission of evidence of continuing education courses for teachers
- Presentation of sample certificates
In addition, the Senator for Children and Education may carry out observation visits in selected grades.
The following applies to the vocational education sector:
- Evidence of the implementation of the timetables of the respective educational program
- Consent of the school to the collection of performance data on graduations by the Senator for Children and Education
- Submission of evidence of in-service training for teachers
- Submission of sample certificates based on the certificate decrees
In addition, job shadowing by the Senator for Children and Education can take place.