Apply for recognition of a course for the acquisition or updating of the required specialist knowledge in radiation protection
Unternehmensstart und Gewerbezulassung
Anlagen, Waren und Stoffe
If you would like to offer courses to acquire or update specialist knowledge in radiation protection, you must apply in advance.
Basic information
Proof of successful participation in a recognized radiation protection course is required to acquire and update specialist knowledge in radiation protection.
If you wish to offer courses for acquiring or updating the necessary specialist knowledge in radiation protection in the fields of human medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry or for non-medical fields of application, you must apply in advance for these courses to be held. In doing so, you must prove that the courses are suitable for teaching the intended content.
All radiation protection authorities have an information sheet on the requirements for the application, which you can ask for.
The authority responsible for the course center will then check whether
- the course content is suitable for teaching the necessary skills and knowledge in radiation protection for the respective area of application,
- the qualifications of the teaching staff, the teaching materials used and the equipment at the course location ensure that knowledge is properly imparted and that the success of the course is monitored.
If the requirements are met, your courses will be recognized.
- You must prove that the radiation protection course you have planned is suitable for teaching the participants the content stipulated in the technical guideline.
What documents do I need?
- Application with the following details
- Designation of the course by specifying the specialist knowledge group or modules
- Information on the implementation, e.g. asynchronous or synchronous learning, virtual or physical presence
- Details of the course organizer
- Details of the course location and venue
- Details of the responsible course leader
- Curriculum with the following details
- Subject areas with respective speakers and the number of teaching units
- Demonstrations and practicals
- Duration of teaching units and number of teaching units per day
- Information on course content
- Description of the course content as a bullet point or formulated script
- Description of the exercises (virtual presence if applicable) or practicals (physical presence)
- Information on teachers
- Proof of the qualifications of the teaching staff with regard to the teaching content, e.g. possession of the required specialist knowledge in radiation protection and, if applicable, its updating or professional training, professional experience and information on previous lecturing or teaching activities or participation in specialist committees
- Information on the teaching material
- Overview of the information made available to participants
- course materials,
- lecture notes,
- Sources of legislation, standards and guidelines,
- other documents containing figures, tables, diagrams and formulae required for the participants' future work
- Overview of the information made available to participants
- Equipment of the course center
- Size and technical equipment of the event rooms
- Number of places
- Type and number of workstations, measuring equipment, any open or enclosed radioactive substances, radiation sources, X-ray equipment
- Information on the maximum number of course participants
- Concept for monitoring attendance and success
- Information on the performance review
- Annexes to the admission requirements
- Information on the duration and procedure of the examination