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  • Apply for recognition as an educator with professional qualification from abroad

Apply for recognition as an educator with professional qualification from abroad


You can submit the application with the documents to the competent body, send it by mail or send it electronically.

The competent body receives the application. It will confirm to you after one month at the latest that the application has arrived. When the competent body has received all the documents from you, it will process your application.

The competent body will then check: Is your professional qualification equivalent to the professional qualification in Bremen? The content of the training and the duration of the training, for example, are important for the comparison. The competent body also takes into account your professional experience, further certificates of qualification and qualifications.

To work as an educator, you must meet other requirements. These include, for example, your personal suitability, your health suitability and your German language skills. The responsible office will only check the other prerequisites after determining the equivalence. Some prerequisites are only important when you are hired and will then be checked by future employers. You may have to submit further documents for this.

If your qualification is equivalent and you meet all other requirements, you will receive state recognition. You will be allowed to use the professional title of state-recognized educator. Then you have the same professional rights as a person with the German professional qualification.

Your professional qualification is recognized.

Are there significant differences between your professional qualification and the German professional qualification? Then your professional qualification will not be recognized.

In most cases, you can then take a compensatory measure. This allows you to compensate for the essential differences.

There are different compensatory measures:

  • Adaptation course: you complete several modules at a technical college, make up for any missing practical hours in an institution (e.g. daycare center) and pass a colloquium.
  • Qualifying examination: The qualifying examination is a practical examination. Written and oral work may also be required.

You can choose between an adaptation course or a proficiency test.

If you successfully complete the compensatory measure, you will receive recognition.

Legal bases

More information

Working as a pedagogical specialist

You may be able to work as a so-called pedagogical specialist without being recognized as an educator. You can then work in a day care center, for example. The responsible office or your employer will inform you about this possibility.

Further counseling offers

There are many other counseling offers. You can find them on the portal Recognition in Germany.

Let an IQ counseling center advise you personally about this procedure and your qualification. The counselors will also help you with your documents before you apply. The consultation is free of charge.

You can also call the hotline from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. The hotline will answer your questions about working and living in Germany.

Phone number: +49 30 1815-1111 Office hours: Monday to Friday 08:00 - 18:00 (CET).

If you are abroad: You can also reach the Central Service Point for Professional Recognition (ZSBA) via the hotline. This offers you in-depth advice and support in the recognition process and provides location advice.