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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Apply for infection protection instruction including certificate

Apply for infection protection instruction including certificate


If you need a health certificate, you must attend an instruction session.

The instruction will explain to you how to prevent foodborne diseases.

You can complete this instruction online:

  • You can find the link to the online service under "Further information" - "Online service" - "Online instruction in accordance with Section 43 of the Infection Protection Act (health certificate)".
  • Online instructions are possible at any time and from anywhere, simply follow the instructions on the website.
  • The online instruction is available in 23 different languages, for example Albanian, Arabic, English, French or Turkish and others. There is also a German version with sign language.

If it is not possible for you to complete the instruction online, you can also come to a lecture at the public health department:

  • The lectures always take place on Wednesdays.
  • In the odd calendar weeks, the lectures take place on Wednesday mornings from 9:30 am to 11:00 am.
  • In the even calendar weeks, the lectures take place on Wednesday afternoons from 13:30 to 15:00.
  • Each lecture lasts about 1.5 hours.
  • You must register online in advance for the lecture - there is no lecture without registration.
  • You can find the link to the appointment registration under "Further information" - "Where can I find out more" - "Instruction in presence and further information" or via "Make an appointment".
  • Please bring your identity card and 32.50 euros in cash (card payment is not possible).
  • If you do not speak German well, please bring someone with you who can translate for you.
  • The certificate will be given to you after the instruction.

For people who do not have internet access, there is another way to register for the lecture at the public health department:

  • You can obtain an appointment request form from the information desk at the public health department.
  • It is best to fill out the form immediately and hand it in directly at the information desk.
  • Please be sure to include your telephone number and, if available, an e-mail address where you can be reached.
  • You will then be offered an appointment by telephone or e-mail.
  • It is also possible to register for the lecture in person.
  • To register in person, come to the Bremen Health Department at Horner Straße 60-70 in 28203 Bremen and go to room 0.202. To do this, enter the Health Department through entrance 2 on the corner of Horner Straße and Humboldtstraße. Then go up the stairs and knock on the first door on the right-hand side.

We can answer your questions in person or over the phone and provide you with special barrier-free services. Consultation hours are on Tuesdays from 13:30 to 15:00. The telephone number is 361 - 15134.


  • Send an e-mail to this address stating your full name, current address, date of birth and, if known, the date of the initial consultation:
  • Further information will then be sent by e-mail.

Legal bases

More information

The certificate replaces the previous health certificates (§§ 17, 18 of the Federal Epidemics Act). The old certificates (from 1980) remain valid.

After the instruction, it must be declared in text form that there are no known facts for an activity ban.

If there are indications that there are reasons for an impediment to working in the food sector, the certificate may only be issued if a medical certificate proves that the relevant impediment no longer exists.

The certificate is only valid if you start working with food within 3 months of it being issued.

As the issued certificate is valid for life, please keep it in a safe place!

Further information on the subject of health certificates can be found on the homepage of the public health department.