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Apply for early admission to elementary school

Would you like to register your child early for school?

If your child will not turn 6 in the year of school enrollment for school-age children until after June 30, and if you can imagine early school enrollment based on your child's stage of development, then you can apply for this at the relevant elementary school.

The pedagogical staff of the daycare center and the school administration of the elementary school can advise you on the appropriate enrollment date for your child.


Children who turn 6 years old during the period from July 1 to September 30 of any year may apply to be enrolled in school. The parent or guardian must submit this application within the registration period. A school doctor's recommendation is used to determine whether this is good for the child. It may be decided that the child will be deferred for another 1 year.

Children who turn 6 in the period from October 1 of one year to January 31 of the following year can also apply to become school-age. A school doctor's report is used to determine whether this is good for the child. It is checked whether the child will not be overtaxed in terms of his or her linguistic, cognitive and social abilities by the lessons and the rest of school life.