Apply for continued benefit for housing allowance
Bauen und Wohnen
If you are already receiving housing benefits, you can apply for continued benefits under certain conditions.
Basic information
The housing benefit is intended to enable you to live in appropriate and family-friendly accommodation. You can apply for continued payment of housing benefit within one month of the end of the approval period at the latest, as in your first application, as a
- rent subsidy for tenants or subtenants of living space or for residents of a home (residents of a home as defined by the relevant state law
- this also includes people with disabilities who are admitted to special forms of housing not only temporarily to provide integration assistance) or as a
- Encumbrance allowance for owners of their own home or condominium
If the costs of accommodation are covered by another social benefit provider, you are not entitled to housing benefit. This is the case if you already receive
- citizen's allowance or
- basic income support in old age or
- in the event of reduced earning capacity or
- benefits for living expenses or
- receive another transfer benefit for which the costs of accommodation have been taken into account in the calculation.
You must still be eligible for housing assistance as an applicant. You are eligible for a housing subsidy as:
- Tenant of living space
- Subtenant of living space
- Residents of a cooperative apartment or a boarded apartment
- residents of a home (home residents as defined by the respective state law
- this also includes people with disabilities who are not only temporarily admitted to special forms of housing for the provision of integration assistance)
- tenants with similar rights of use, in particular holders of a tenant-like permanent right of residence
- owners of an apartment building (three or more apartments), a commercial building or a commercial enterprise, if you live in this building
- Owners of a one- or two-family house in which you live, but which also contains business premises to such an extent that it can no longer be considered a home of your own
- Owners of a full-time agricultural business whose residential part is not separated from the business part
- women living in women's shelters, even if the remuneration is calculated on a daily basis
- a person who is admitted to homeless shelters or third party housing by the homelessness authority, even if the user fee (which is not, for example, based on the number of days or graded according to adult persons and children) is paid to the homelessness authority
You are eligible for a housing subsidy as:
- Owner of a home or condominium,
- Owners of a small housing estate,
- Owners of a part-time agricultural business,
- the owner of a full-time agricultural business, provided that the residential part and the business part are separated from each other and the residential part is eligible for a housing allowance,
- owners of a permanent right of residence similar to ownership
- holders of hereditary building rights and those who are entitled to the transfer of ownership of the building or dwelling or to the transfer or granting of the hereditary building right.
The owner of the living space must occupy the living space and bear the burden for this.
What documents do I need?
- Comment
It is best to contact the responsible office in advance to ask for the documents required for you. In principle, you must provide the following proof of housing costs or burden:
- Documents about transfer services
For example, assistance with living costs, social benefits, basic benefits for old age and reduced earning capacity, benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz)
- Certificate of merit
Increased income-related expenses are to be proven according to the tax assessment notice, current notices on pension payments of any kind, on benefits according to the Third Book of the Social Code - Employment Promotion (for example, unemployment benefit I, short-time allowance, transitional allowance)
- Proof of sick pay and other wage replacement benefits
- for self-employed persons/traders: last tax assessment notice
- Students: Certificate of enrollment
- Income of all household members
To be on the safe side, please declare all income of all household members in money or money's worth, regardless of its source and regardless of whether the income is taxable or not. In this way, you will avoid unnecessary queries. The housing allowance office will then check which of the incomes are chargeable.
- Students: BAföG notice
- Students: Declaration of monthly allowances from parents during studies.
- Health insurance certificate
- Proof of pension or life insurance
- If applicable: proof of pension or life insurance coverage
- If applicable: severely disabled person's certificate (if applicable, proof of care allowance payments)
- If applicable: proof of residence status
In the case of foreigners from third countries, proof of residence status and duration of stay must be submitted.
Other EU citizens must submit a certificate of right of residence/EU residence permit and registration with the registration office.
- You will also need the following documents to apply for a rent subsidy:
Landlord Certification Form (usually provided by housing assistance agencies).
- You will need the following documents to apply for an encumbrance subsidy:
- Form for determining the burden from the debt service
- Proof of the burden from the debt service (certificate of borrowed funds, last payment voucher, interest and redemption schedule, if applicable)
- Proof of the amount of the purchase price or construction costs (also for modernizations)
- Real estate tax assessment notice/proof of the amount of ground rents
- If applicable, proof of income from the transfer of rooms and areas to third parties
- Calculation of living space in accordance with DIN 277 or the Living Space Ordinance (WoFlV, building application)
- If applicable, notice of the building subsidy
- Proof of ownership, excerpt from land register, purchase contract