Apply for co-payments and/or co-payments of health care assistance for foster child/ren
- Partnerschaft und Familie
- Copayments and co-payments are already covered by the monthly lump sums. Only extraordinary co-payments and copayments, depending on their nature and extent, can be reimbursed additionally in individual cases.
- Inquire at the social center responsible for your district or the specialized service of the Office for Social Services or PiB - Pflegekinder in Bremen gemeinnützige GmbH. In some cases, cost coverage must be applied for before the planned measure begins. There are also medical measures for which the Office for Social Services cannot assume the costs. This can be clarified during the consultation.
- Certain medical services are not covered by the statutory health insurance. As a rule, they must be paid for by the insured person.
- Such services are not considered co-payments within the meaning of SGB V. They are also not covered within the framework of health assistance according to § 40 SGB VIII.
- The Office of Social Services therefore first checks whether and to what extent it may assume the costs for a co-payment or a personal contribution within the framework of health assistance.
- The Office for Social Services settles the assumed costs with the health insurance company.