Apply for Bremen Pass
Would you like to go to the theater or take part in a VHS course, but the prices are too high for you? Maybe you can get a Bremen Pass.
Competent Department
- Amt für Soziale Dienste Sozialzentrum 1 - Nord
- Amt für Soziale Dienste Sozialzentrum 2 - Gröpelingen / Walle
- Amt für Soziale Dienste Sozialzentrum 4 - Süd
- Amt für Soziale Dienste Sozialzentrum 5 - Vahr/ Schwachhausen/ Horn-Lehe
- Amt für Soziale Dienste, Fachdienst Flüchtlinge, Integration & Familien
- Amt für Soziale Dienste, Fachdienst Teilhabe
- Jobcenter Bremen Geschäftsstelle Mitte
- Jobcenter Bremen Geschäftsstelle Nord
- Jobcenter Bremen Geschäftsstelle Ost I
- Jobcenter Bremen Geschäftsstelle Ost II
- Jobcenter Bremen Geschäftsstelle Süd
- Jobcenter Bremen Geschäftsstelle West
Basic information
If you live in the city of Bremen and receive benefits from
- the Jobcenter Bremen (SGB II),
- the Office for Social Services (SGB XII),
- the Office for Social Services under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) or
- as residents of an inpatient facility receive ongoing benefits in accordance with SGB XII
and do not want to miss out on culture and education, then you can have the Bremen Pass issued by the authority responsible for you.
If you receive supplementary child allowance for your children from the family benefits office and/or housing benefit for your children, you can apply for benefits for education and participation for your children and then receive a Bremen Pass if the requirements for the children are met.
This pass entitles you to discounts in the areas of culture and education.
The Bremen Pass gives you reduced admission to Bremen cultural institutions such as
- Museums,
- art gallery,
- theaters,
- participation in low-cost or free programs offered by the adult education center and the city library, and
- the purchase of a discounted local transport ticket (StadtTicket) for the use of all public transport on the VBN network in the municipality of Bremen.
- Receiving benefits according to SGB II, SGB XII or the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz)
- Residence in the city of Bremen
What documents do I need?
- Identity card or passport
- Notice of performance