Apply for an international driver's license
- Mobilität und Fahrzeuge
Insofar as an EU card driver's license must first be issued for the issuance of the International Driver's License, at least 2-3 working days are required for this - even in a rush procedure.
If the driver's license was issued outside of Bremen before 1999, a record card copy of the driver's license office that issued the current driver's license is required.
Legal bases
- §§ 25a, 25b Verordnung über die Zulassung von Personen zum Straßenverkehr (Fahrerlaubnis-Verordnung - FeV)
- Gebührenordnung für Maßnahmen im Straßenverkehr (GebOSt)
- Übereinkommen über den Strassenverkehr vom 08.11.1968
More information
When traveling to some Eastern European countries, an international driver's license must still be carried.
For trips to non-European countries, it is generally recommended, and often even mandatory (such as in many states of the USA, Canada or Australia), to carry it with you.
It is recommended to inquire about the regulations of the respective state.
If the applicant still has the old gray or pink driver's license, the old driver's license must be exchanged for a (new) EU driver's license in credit card format when the international driver's license is issued.
International driving licenses issued in Germany for German drivers are not valid in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Current information on which country requires an international driver's license can also be obtained from the automobile clubs.