Apply for an extract from the real estate cadastre (property description)
Do you need information about a parcel of land, a parcel owner or a parcel area?
Basic information
The descriptive part of the real estate cadastre shows the significant descriptive features of the properties nationwide, up-to-date and covering the entire area.
- Output formats according to the questions of banks, notaries, building authorities and owners.
- Easy-to-understand, up-to-date certificates are available as inventory certificates, property certificates, parcel certificates and parcel/owner certificates in DIN A4 format.
These certificates contain a description of the parcel/property, owner details, area, use, location, area designation and the land register designation, as well as information on monument protection and surveying quality.
Data worthy of protection can only be given to owners. Other persons and bodies are only granted access if a legitimate interest is demonstrated and public interests do not conflict with this.
According to the Surveying and Cadastral Act, justified interests include, for example
- owners of parcels of land and property
- Notary publics
- planners and architects
Proof of the legitimate interest and the purpose of use must be provided in writing.
What documents do I need?
- Identity card
- Power of attorney of the natural/legal person registered as owner for the requested information.