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Apply for an exemption permit in accordance with § 70 StVZO


To obtain an exemption permit in accordance with § 70 StVZO, you need an appointment at the "Zentrale Kfz-Zulassungsbehörde" citizens' office.

You can arrange this either online or by telephone via the Bremen citizens' hotline.

Upon submission of the complete application documents, the requested exemption permit will be issued immediately during the appointment and handed over to the applicant.

An appointment can then be made at the BürgerServiceCenter-Nord or BürgerServiceCenter-Stresemannstraße to register the vehicle in question.

Exemption permits can only be obtained from the Citizens' Registration Office for the following provisions of the StVZO:

  • § 35a,
  • § 35a para. 4,
  • § 38a/b,
  • § 38a,
  • § 43 para. 2,
  • § 49a,
  • § 49a para. 1,
  • § 50 para. 5,
  • § 51a, para. 1,
  • § 53 para. 4,
  • § 53a, Para. 4 and
  • § 59 Para. 2 StVZO.

Additionally for companies:

  • § 35a Para. 2 + 3 and
  • § 40 in conjunction with § 22a StVZO.

If other legal bases are listed in your report, the Office for Roads and Traffic (ASV) is responsible for issuing the exemption permits.

In these cases, please contact the Office for Roads and Traffic (ASV). Further information can be found under "Where can I find out more?" - "AG § 70 StVZO - Office for Roads and Traffic".

You can make appointments online at any time using the appointment booking function in the menu on the right or by calling the following telephone numbers:

Central vehicle registration authority: +49 421 361-88668 or +49 421 115.

Legal bases