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  • Apply for agri-environmental nature conservation measures and compensation for hardship

Apply for agri-environmental nature conservation measures and compensation for hardship

Your farm can apply for support within agri-environmental measures. If you farm grassland and are disadvantaged by nature conservation regulations, you can apply for compensation for difficulties.

Agri-environmental measures (AUM)

Through the promotion of targeted agri-environmental measures

  • are intended to provide additional incentives for the conservation of the cultivated landscape and natural resources (including soils).
  • The aim is to reduce harmful impacts on the water balance and protect drinking water resources. In particular, the impairment of groundwater by nitrate or plant treatment and pesticides is to be counteracted.
  • The aim is to protect and improve the environment, genetic diversity and biodiversity.

Compensation for hardship

Compensation for hardship is granted for grassland if agricultural land use is significantly more difficult due to nature conservation legislation. Grassland is defined as an area permanently overgrown with grasses and herbs that is used for conservation at least once a year by mowing or grazing.

Compensation is granted for one calendar year at a time. Its amount is to be calculated according to the points value table (see "Form/Online Service"). If the use is made more difficult to the same extent due to another legal or contractual obligation, no hardship allowance is granted.


Agri-environmental measures

Applications can be submitted by all agricultural enterprises whose agricultural land to be supported is located in Bremen.

Compensation for hardship

The hardship compensation applies to areas of 0.5 ha or more per farmer and, in the case of areas of legally protected biotopes, to areas of 0.25 ha or more per farmer. It does not apply to areas for which compensation is to be granted in accordance with Section 68 (1) to (3) BNatschG.