Apply for a travel trade card
Unternehmensstart und Gewerbezulassung
You operate a travel trade if you offer certain services without or outside a place of business, such as market trading, showmanship or the operation of mobile food trucks. A commercial agency is not a travel trade.
Basic information
In contrast to the standing trade, a travel trade usually requires a permit in the form of a travel trade card. The travel trade card can be applied for and issued for a limited or unlimited period. There are also activities in the travel trade for which a travel trade card is not required. The competent authority must be notified of the commencement of such activities.
Characteristics of a travelling trade are:
- commercial operation
- without prior appointment
- outside or without a commercial establishment
- offering goods for sale or actively seeking or purchasing orders, or
- offering services or seeking orders for services, or
- entertaining activities as a showman or in the manner of a showman.
Note: The statutory store opening hours are also binding for itinerant trade.
What documents do I need?
- completed application form
- Identity card or passport
- a copy is sufficient for written notification
- in the case of representation with written power of attorney, the authorized representative must be able to identify themselves with an identity card or passport - Proof of personal reliability
If you have your residence in Germany, you usually need:
- certificate of good conduct
- extract from the central trade registerIf you are resident abroad, you will need documents from your home country proving that you have the personal reliability to provide the service you require.
- Proof of the entrepreneurial legal form
if the registered office is in Germany:
- if the company is registered: Extract from the commercial register and, if necessary, a copy of the articles of association (e.g. in the case of a civil law partnership (GbR))if the company is based abroad:
- documents from the country of domicile proving the legal form - Travel trade card for insurance intermediaries or consultants or as a broker, property developer, construction supervisor, investment advisor or loan broker
additional proof of orderly financial circumstances
- If you are resident in Germany, you usually need:
- extract from the debtors' register
- certificate of the insolvency court
- certificate of the tax office in tax matters- If you live abroad, you need documents from your home country that prove that you live in an orderly financial situation.
- Travel trade card for insurance intermediaries or consultants in addition
Proof of competence or proof of expertise or you prove the delegation of expertise to a supervisor
- Travel trade card for security services
- additional proof of the funds and securities required for the operation (if you are resident in Germany, you usually also need an extract from the debtors' register)
- additional proof of instruction or proof of instruction from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce or proof recognised as equivalent in accordance with the Guard Ordinance - Travel trade card for auctioneers
Additional license as an auctioneer (if applicable as a publicly appointed auctioneer)