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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Apply for a grant for specialist energy planning and construction supervision for residential buildings

Apply for a grant for specialist energy planning and construction supervision for residential buildings


You apply for funding online in the KfW grant portal.

  • You look for an energy efficiency expert in your area on the website of the German Energy Agency (dena) and commission them with the specialist energy planning and construction supervision of your construction or renovation project.
  • You will receive the "Confirmation of application (BzA)" from your expert. You will need the identification number (BzA-ID) printed on it to submit your application.
  • Submit your application for funding online in the KfW grant portal. Enter the BzA-ID when doing so. Important: You must submit the application before you start the construction work.
  • If you are not yet registered, you must first register and provide the following information:
    • enter your personal details,
    • set a password,
    • define security query,
    • complete registration.
  • After submitting your application, you will receive a reply from KfW within a few seconds. You can then start implementing your construction project immediately.
  • You must identify yourself so that KfW can pay you the grant. You have three procedures to choose from:
    • Post-Ident,
    • video identification or
    • SCHUFA identity check.
  • Select an option and follow the instructions in the KfW grant portal to complete the identity check.
  • Once everything has been completed, your energy efficiency expert will provide you with the confirmation after completion (BnD).
  • You upload the confirmation after implementation (BnD) and all invoices for the specialist energy planning and construction supervision to the KfW grant portal. If all requirements are met, KfW will transfer the grant to your account.

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