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Antrag auf Ratenzahlung (Stundung)


The responsible administration checks the application and the documents submitted and then issues a decision granting or rejecting the deferral. The nature of the claim must be determined before it is forwarded to the competent authority. The following responsibilities must be observed for the application:


  • if the tax was assessed by the Bremen tax office (tax number begins with 60), the application must be sent to the Bremen state tax office, deferral and remission office.
  • If the tax was assessed by the Bremerhaven tax office (tax number begins with 75), the application must be sent to the Bremerhaven tax office.
  • The following special rule applies to property tax:
    • if the property tax was assessed by the Bremen assessment office of the Bremerhaven tax office (tax number begins with 57), the application must be addressed to the Landeshauptkasse Bremen, Stundungs- und Erlassstelle.
    • If the property tax was assessed by the Bremerhaven assessment office of the Bremerhaven tax office (tax number begins with 77), the application must be sent to the Bremerhaven municipal tax office.

Court costs:

  • In the case of court costs for Bremen and Bremerhaven (tax code begins with 76 or 77 or 78), the application should be sent to the Landeshauptkasse Bremen, Gerichtskasse. The court cashier's office is a different office from the deferral and remission office.

Non-tax duties:

  • For non-tax duties, the application must be sent to the authority named on the letterhead, stating the file number/cash register number.

Legal bases