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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Adjusting advance payments to the artists' social security fund

Adjusting advance payments to the artists' social security fund


You can submit your application online or by post.

Online notification:

  • Call up the online form on the federal portal This will guide you step by step through the necessary information, which you can enter electronically.
  • Note: You will need a valid ELSTER certificate to log in to the online form.
  • You will need approximately 5 minutes to complete the online application.
  • First enter your personal details, including your tax number. You will find this on the letter from the Künstlersozialkasse in the top right-hand corner.
  • Then please enter the estimated total remuneration for the current year and give reasons for your application.

Notification by post:

  • The form "Application for reduction of advance payments" is available on the website of the Künstlersozialkasse in the media center for companies and exploiters.
  • Please complete the form in full. This also includes giving reasons for your application.
  • Send the completed form to the Künstlersozialkasse. You can also submit an informal application to the Künstlersozialkasse. In any case, please give reasons for your application.

Once the form has been received, the Künstlersozialkasse will check your details. If there are any queries or further documents are required, the Künstlersozialkasse will contact you by post.

If your application is comprehensible:

  • You will receive a notification from the Künstlersozialkasse about the amended advance payment. If the recalculation results in advance payments of less than EUR 40.00 per month, these are not payable.

If your application is not comprehensible:

  • You will receive a notification from the Künstlersozialkasse that your application has been rejected.

Legal bases

More information

Legal remedy: Appeal. Detailed information on how to lodge an appeal can be found in the notice from the Künstlersozialkasse.